Reaching Generation Z
< 1 min read.
The First Responder industry is facing a unique challenge when trying to attract Generation Z applicants.
The newest generation of potential first responders, those born after 1995, have been raised in a world of technology. They’ve grown up with smartphones in their hands and laptops at their fingertips. This means that they will expect your agency’s recruitment process to be as easy as buying something online or chatting with friends on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram—this is where the challenge comes in.
Social media is a great way to reach young people. It’s also a great way to show your agency’s personality. And it can be used to recruit new applicants—if you do it right.
But first things first: you have to have a social media presence in the first place. This means having accounts on all the major platforms and posting regularly to them, with posts that relate back to your mission and goals as an organization (or at least seem like they do). This might mean posting pictures of yourself doing outreach work, or sharing news articles related to your field of expertise, or just sharing fun stuff like memes or cute animals that don’t necessarily relate directly but are still relevant within the context of what you’re trying accomplish as an organization (and thus provides some entertainment value).
The first responders who have been the most successful at recruiting Generation Z are those who have embraced technology and social media. They use these tools to connect with potential candidates, showcase their departments and provide information that’s relevant to this audience. Using these platforms will help your agency reach out to this generation in ways that weren’t possible before, allowing you to get a head start on others vying for the same talent pool.